Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Let me tell you a crazy story

There was a girl who genuinely trusted God in her time of need and when she was vulnerable...but this being stabbed her in the back and criticized and condemned her and has been using her the last 4 years without even having her back in the end and not even being there for her despite all the rhetoric and guilt-mongering...Because of this being, this girl made a lethal foolish choice of NOT HAVING DONE WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE and choosing the best healthcare for herself and is now suffering the consequences of this manipulator's schemes and trap.  This being is demanding or coerced this young girl to comply with its arbritrary, unreasonable demands and has coerced her to do something that is IMPOSSIBLE FORANY WOMAN TO DO because it is so misogynistic, UNSAFE, sexist and anti-feminist.  This being who is supposed to protect and guide her has lured her into some trap and is demanding her to overlook and neglect her own needs and safety and security over and over and over again these past 4 years.  As if this wasn't enough, this being torments her and because of this being's deceit, she has exposed herself longer than she should have to a really horrible UNSAFE situation that threatens her well-being, making it difficult if not impossible to sleep the last year and is giving her a nightmarish hellish existence that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies (a kind of nightmare I can only Satan scheming or concocting).  It is crystal clear that this being doesn't have her best interest or even her health or well-being in mind and is only capable of demonizing or condemning her despite her dozens of petitions and pleas.  What is it all for?  It is for rhetoric and some sick ideology my mind fails to understand or comprehend...This young girl is me.  And I don't love this being anymore, not after how this being has treated me UNNECESSARILY these past four years like some torturous prisoner..I feel like I'm in some chamber of hell when I'm with this being...When I believed in Christianity, I didn't know I was signing up for patriarchy, abuse and misogyny...what this being is doing doesn't amount to more than witchcraft...I just wanted to expose the truth...

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