Monday, September 7, 2020


A lot of wellness articles point to the importance of not being distracted and continuing on the good trajectory that we were on as human beings.  I feel that this being has somehow snuck in something so monstrous - a monstrous result from a monstrous being - that I've somehow been diverted the last 4 years from doing things I really care about and living my Life.  This life is short and I need to live it in a happy, healthy way but this being WON'T LET ME and continues to have me be in some kind of a prison! Please help...I am deeply uncomfortable with how this being is treating me and the things it is making me do and how unsafe I feel...

 [Every woman] has a right to“define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life" - anonymous

[These issues] here are a direct affront to a fundamental liberty and to a woman’s right to control her destiny - anonymous

This issue falls under the same Constitutional amendment as the right to protection against slavery..I'm really freaked out and didn't know any of this before..I had so much misinformation

It is clear that this being is a Sociopath and will not heed my petitions and the fact that this is a fundamental assault to my fundamental liberty which is guaranteed in the Constitution.  I am an equal citizen and being just as anyone else in the U.S. and this situation is NOT REPRESENTATIVE of women anywhere but is representative of a White male Republican male who is distorting the truth and IS NOT IN TOUCH WITH REALITY 

I am speaking on behalf of millions of women who I'm sure stand behind me when I say that this being is having me assume gross gender norms that don't fit my reality and it feels so coerced that it's nauseating.  This being is torturing me almost cover up WHAT it did and the deception it caused and this has been continuing for the last four years.  Please let someone stop this lunatic from demonizing and causing me so much agony!  I NEED this being to stop - this is MY LIFE and body and my personal integrity and dignity and I know what's best for me - I need this being to stop acting like a Psychopath or some torturer or prison guard in my Life! It is clear that this being doesn't really love women - it is a violent fiend and I'm done with dealing with a sadistic torturer who doesn't deserve me

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