Sunday, August 23, 2020

It is a mistake but this being treats it like a prison sentence or a death sentence.  This being has been feeding me lies and manipulation for so long and it's only recently that I started to realize this.  This being is imposing its agenda onto me and has been doing it - me as the unwitting victim.  This being is so oppressive and is jeopardizing my health and well-being.  This being is hazardous to me - I don't even know if this is "God" anymore - this could just be a vindictive spirit or something but it is scary.   My human rights are at stake - and when one of my rights are being attacked, all my rights are being attacked.  One person's suffering means everyone's suffering and I as a woman deserve better protection and treatment and SAFETY than this.  This being is taking advantage of my innocence, naivete and willingness to trust and penchant for putting up with bad situations to REALLY hurt me.  To really put my life at risk.  It is all punitive - this religion is really bad for me in terms of feeling positive and well about myself and I'm done.  But this being still viciously wants to use me as a pawn and EXPECTS ME TO BE  f*cking robot at the end of the day.  This is impossible because I am a human being and I'm not a robot!  I ABSOLUTELY will not put up with violence any longer!  This being wakes me up in the middle of the night and makes me feel really jarred and just unsettled - please get off my back!  This is persecution - making someone who is so vulnerable and without fault to be honest miserable, scared and terrified.  This is immoral and criminal - what this being is doing - and it feels like cruel and unusual punishment and death.  This is dictatorial and this has to END - a lot of women's organizations and their data support me on this (NOW, WHO) and this is severe unnecessary victimjzation and weaponization. 

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