Saturday, October 3, 2020

serious alarm

I am done.  I need to explicitly state that this situation is REALLY DANGEROUS and is just insane.

Imagine a really scary version of God - with its violent side and the side where it threatens to strike people with threats of retribution--times infinity.  Imagine an evangelical being who is SO hell-bent on depriving me of my constitutional right to exercise choice and freedom and bodily autonomy and the right to due process lurking behind my door.  THAT IS HOW I FEEL.

Imagine all those right-wing people who are bent on overturning Roe v. Wade and all those anti-choice protesters who target abortion clinics and inflict terrorism on people whose views or practices don't align with their views - that is HOW I feel - I feel as if I'm encountering these people at every turn these days and it is such a TERRIBLE, HORRIFYING, vulnerable feeling.

No force in heaven and hell can deprive me of MY RIGHT and rights as a woman and as a human being.  No one can deprive me of my constitutional right to choose what I do with my life and body!

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