Thursday, December 10, 2020

I am officially creeped out.  I am dealing with a monster who is obsessive and just wants to control me - this is NOT love or a relationship; this is akin to being in a cult or rape.  Apparently, I signed up for a cult.  This being keeps overriding my own voice and tries to exert its own deranged agenda and "will" over my OWN thoughts and will and humanity and personhood.   I HATE THE WAY THIS BEING is guiding my life - it is REALLY SCARY - I don't even recognize my Life or what this is anymore.  This being is aiding and abetting MISOGYNY, CRIME AGAINST WOMEN, GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE AND RAPE!  This being blatantly ignores the fact that WOMEN'S RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS (experts - Ann Firth Murray, a Stanford professor said this!) and that we CANNOT consider women's issues without a human rights or social justice lens!  What a psycho!  UGH! 

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